Saturday, May 3, 2014



You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 

Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:6-8

Did you hear the news about the man who requested to die in the place of the nun? And neither did I. It is a rare occasion that someone will lose their life for a righteous or a good person. I read devotionals from Voice of the Martyrs and rarely I have heard of someone coming forth and saying "this is a good person, don't kill him, take my life instead." This happens but very seldom does it occur.

In your life time have you ever heard of someone coming forth, requesting to die in the place of a pedophile, or a serial killer, or even a rapist? Never!!! That just doesn't happen or does it?  Yes it did happen but only once. It happened with Jesus Christ the Savior of the World. The Son of God. The Holy One. The Redeemer of Man. The Sinless One.

I was the worst of sinners, you were the worst of sinners, the Apostle Paul was the worst of sinners and even Mary the mother of our Lord was the worst of sinners. Every person who has ever lived was the worst of sinners but, Jesus still chose to give His life for us. What would compel Him to do that? What manner of love was this? How could he die for us while we were still in our sins? Why would he die for us before we committed the very sins he knew we would commit? It had to be love that moved him to do this.

Don't let anyone deceive you Jesus did not die for the righteous, neither did he die for a good person. Jesus died for the vilest of man. He died for sinners. Sinners such as you and I. Why would Jesus die for sinners? Because we were sinners without any means of saving ourselves. So the love of the Holy One was compelled to die for the unholy.  Yes it is mind blogging that Jesus could love the hopeless sinner. Sinners are not worthy of the love of God. We are not worthy of His grace and we are not worthy of His mercy. In view of such great love may we live a life of gratitude to Him.

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