Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Lord Is Worthy Of Many Hallelujahs

 The Lord Is Worthy Of Many Hallelujahs 
One of the many things that I asked of the Lord is a grateful heart. I want to my heart to always be grateful and never take for granted the work that the Lord has done in my life. The Lord has been so good to me. Mama used to say “He’s been better to me than I’ve been to myself.

I realized the desire in my heart is from Him because, no good thing dwells in my flesh. Since the beginning of time, the desire of the human heart is to elevate itself. I sometimes feel like Peter in John chapter 5, after he had put his net into the deep water as he was instructed to do by Jesus. Peter realizing who Jesus was said “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” I feel like that time and time again. But, I cannot afford to say that to Jesus, it is because of Him that I can stand with confidence before God. Yet, I cannot phantom why the Lord chose me. This alone brings me to my knees.

I absolutely love it when Paul says: “I am the chief of sinners.” I think to myself “move over Paul, because the sinners have a new chief.” Yet I am love by Christ. When the Lord called me I was living in poverty and in an abusive marriage. I thought this was the normal way of living. I had no idea that the Lord had so many wonderful things in store for me. My husband was not a believer, yet he called a Christian and asked him to speak to me, because I was involved in a cult at that time.

That was not a coincidence that was a God ordained appointment. That visit took place over 25 years ago and it changed life. I am in awe that God would be mindful of me. Jesus, who am I, that You would be mindful of me? Who am I that you would call me by name? Who am I that You keep count of the number of hairs that are on my head? Who am I that You would bottle my tears? Who am I that You would seek and save me? I know Gladys, I know Gladys!!! But you know me better than I know myself and You love me in spite of me...

I cannot phantom not sharing my life story with others, because my life story tells of how Jesus really can make a person new. I have nothing to be ashamed of because Christ has made me new. Some people try not to look back at their hurtful past, but I don’t mind because, remembering my past helps me to thank the Lord for my present life. He is a God worthy of many Hallelujah and then some. Jesus, you entrusted me with your gospel. When I stand in your presence may You be pleased with me. Hallelujah what a Savior!!!

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