Sunday, August 25, 2013

Have You Prayed About It As Much As You Gossiped About It?

A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything—or destroy it! It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell. James 3 (ESV)

A few weeks back my daughter did a post called "Have You Prayed About It More Than You've Talked About It." She was referring to running to get the opinions of others before getting God's opinion. Today I am going to put a twist on it and ask "have you gossiped about it more than you have prayed about it ?." "Ouch"

That information that he or she shared with you, did you get their permission to share it with others? We, Christians are very good at sharing aren't we? And sharing is used all under the guise of helping. After all "poor little so in so, is having such a tough time." I am going to give it to you straight. Gossip is the name of the game!!! Would you share a confidence that your loved ones or friends shared with you, because they are having such a hard time? Or would you take it to God in prayer and then do everything that you could do to help them? Well others deserve the same. Not only did Jesus die for you and the people that you care about but he die for the sins of the world. That includes them.

The tongue can be a mighty adversary or ally. Maybe that is why God has given us only one. It can be used for good or evil. When someone shares something with you in confidence, take it to God and God alone. He really does care!!! Keep in mind if they are telling you this in confidence, they must be hurting and feeling vulnerable. What would you want others to do with your secrets? Would you want them to pray about it or gossip about it?

The acronym THINK is something that I try to put into practice.

T: Is it true.
H: is it helpful.
I: is it inspiring.
N: Is it nice.
K: Is it kind.

If what you are about to say does not pertain to any of these things then maybe you should pray about it before you gossip about it.

If lips and life do not agree, the testimony will not amount to much.~Harry Ironside

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Review: What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur'an by James White

Review: What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur'an by James R. White


 I received a complimentary copy of the book What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur'an by James R. White from Bethany House to review. My review of this book is my honest opinion.

I am a Christian and I am well informed on the Christian faith and beliefs. Before I was saved I was a part of a cult, so I am very familiar with other religions but  and I am embarrass to say that Islam is a subject that I am very ignorant of. Though I should not be. Christians should be knowledgeable of other religions. I feel not only should we know what we believe but, we should know what people of other faith believe also. Especially Islam which is the fastest growing religion in the world.

I am very familiar with Dr. James White and his teachings. I have listen to his messages and I must say that I was a little turned off by him. He came off as being harsh and unloving. This is the first book that I have read by Dr. White. I was very impress with what he said that his three goals in writing this book were. He said that he wrote this book  to honor Jesus through the defense of the gospel, to bless God's people through sound biblical doctrine... and to be used by God to bring the message of salvation in Jesus Christ to the precious Muslim people who honor the Qur'an.

I see now that Dr. White's motivating factor is love for God and the preserving of His precious word .
Dr. James White does an excellent job in helping believers to understand the Qur'an. He talks about the Muslims founder Mohammad and their belief about Jesus. This book gives a better understanding of the Qur'an and the Muslim belief. It gives a lot of insight into why the Muslim people do some of the things that they do. To the Muslim the Qur'an is just as holy as the bible is to the Christian. Their view of God's word  is warped. Dr. White has done a great job in helping the believer view of the Qur'an not to be warped.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Lord Is Worthy Of Many Hallelujahs

 The Lord Is Worthy Of Many Hallelujahs 
One of the many things that I asked of the Lord is a grateful heart. I want to my heart to always be grateful and never take for granted the work that the Lord has done in my life. The Lord has been so good to me. Mama used to say “He’s been better to me than I’ve been to myself.

I realized the desire in my heart is from Him because, no good thing dwells in my flesh. Since the beginning of time, the desire of the human heart is to elevate itself. I sometimes feel like Peter in John chapter 5, after he had put his net into the deep water as he was instructed to do by Jesus. Peter realizing who Jesus was said “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” I feel like that time and time again. But, I cannot afford to say that to Jesus, it is because of Him that I can stand with confidence before God. Yet, I cannot phantom why the Lord chose me. This alone brings me to my knees.

I absolutely love it when Paul says: “I am the chief of sinners.” I think to myself “move over Paul, because the sinners have a new chief.” Yet I am love by Christ. When the Lord called me I was living in poverty and in an abusive marriage. I thought this was the normal way of living. I had no idea that the Lord had so many wonderful things in store for me. My husband was not a believer, yet he called a Christian and asked him to speak to me, because I was involved in a cult at that time.

That was not a coincidence that was a God ordained appointment. That visit took place over 25 years ago and it changed life. I am in awe that God would be mindful of me. Jesus, who am I, that You would be mindful of me? Who am I that you would call me by name? Who am I that You keep count of the number of hairs that are on my head? Who am I that You would bottle my tears? Who am I that You would seek and save me? I know Gladys, I know Gladys!!! But you know me better than I know myself and You love me in spite of me...

I cannot phantom not sharing my life story with others, because my life story tells of how Jesus really can make a person new. I have nothing to be ashamed of because Christ has made me new. Some people try not to look back at their hurtful past, but I don’t mind because, remembering my past helps me to thank the Lord for my present life. He is a God worthy of many Hallelujah and then some. Jesus, you entrusted me with your gospel. When I stand in your presence may You be pleased with me. Hallelujah what a Savior!!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Book Review: The One Year Devos for Teen Girls

Book Review: The One Year Devos for Teen Girls

By: Dannah Gresh and Suzy Weibel

I received a complimentary copy of The One Year Devos for Teen Girls from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for a book review. This review is my and my granddaughter's honest opinion.

This is the best devotional that I have ever read. I love the topics that were discussed. What struck me the most was how the authors made it so plain and easy to understand. Sometimes I used it as my personal devotional.  I loved studying this book with my granddaughter. What you are about to read is my granddaughter Darcel's review of The One Year Devos for Teen Girls.

From reading through the devotion I noticed that its very different from other devotionals. Most devotionals only covers the main things like stealing, being mean and praying. All of those things are great and important. But there's so many more situations out there, that teens face. A lot of the answers to these things Christian teens are not even close to figuring out. This devotional did not talk over my head and it was in every day English. It shows us how to apply what we are being taught to our lives.

At my age almost everything and anything someone says can offend a teen girl. I felt this devotional was good because it explains things to you in such a way that you feel like your not being yelled at, talked down to nor does it makes you feel like you are in trouble. But, it does teach you how to stay out of trouble. It's cool how Dannah and Suzy put things like 'your not in trouble, just if this ever happens God will always be there'. I love that!

This devotional also covers a lot of hot topics,  like how being famous is a thing that can go to your head.  I really always knew that being famous could but do that to you. But, what you have to think about is not the good stuff of being famous but can you stay level headed and not test your relationship with God? (They didn't say that but I thought about that!)

So for you girls out there you all should read this devotional it's very helpful.

Friday, August 16, 2013

No Turning Back

I love the passage in John 6 where Jesus talks about what is required to follow Him. Some of the people who were following Him turned away. Jesus looks at the 12 and ask if they too would turn away. Simon Peter who was the spokes person for the 12 answered Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life." For over 25 years The Lord has allowed the words of Peter to helped me stay grounded in my faith. Nothing or no one can bring me fulfillment. My only hope is Jesus. I considered the cost when I decided to follow Christ and it is one that I would lay down my life for. And, if my love ones had chosen or chooses not to follow, for me no turning back!!!

For The Fame Of His Name

Due to financial problems we had to move somewhere smaller and cheaper. I have seen the hand of God imprinted throughout the pages of this saga. Although there have have been times when I have begged Him for Glimpses of His Grace. There have been many nights that I have cried myself to sleep. There have been times when I fell to my knees, bowed my head and told The Lord never to take His hands off of me. There have been time when my family and I have argued and said the other one did not understand them. There have been times when I asked The Lord if I really was His. In all of those times I have felt Jesus say "never will I leave you and never will I forsake you." I shared with a dear friend some of my struggles and fears. She told me that a lot of times Christians go through hardships and trials because they are doing what God has called them to do. That was comforting to me because that means that I am sharing in the sufferings of Christ. I am not worthy of that. I will be honest and say that it hurts and it is not something that I would have ask for. All I ask is that in every hurt and pain that touches my life, Jesus will hold me closer and allow me to gaze into His face. His presence will allow me to endure whatever He deems worthy of my trials. Lord you are the potter and I am the clay, as you mold me please help others to see the imprint of your handiwork in my life. This Lord,  I ask for the fame of Your Name.